
Confidence in the Gospel: A message from the Chancellor.

By Don Lough, Jr.

We live in a world where it is unpopular to take a stand for what is right and true. The message of the cross is considered nonsense to many. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are often labeled as exclusive, intolerant, and backward. Faced with this kind of pressure, it might appear attractive at times to simply take the path of least resistance and to assume a stealth mode.

The Apostle Paul’s declaration in Romans 1:16 jolts us back to the reality of where we really need to be as Christians: “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” If there was ever a place for Paul to be timid and ashamed of the Gospel, it was in Rome. Rome was an arrogant city, a home to every conceivable idol as well as the center of intellectualism and philosophy. Here was Paul, a tentmaker by trade, proclaiming a message about a Jewish carpenter named Jesus who died a criminal’s death on a cross. Regardless, Paul affirms, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel....”

Where does this kind of confidence come from? Here are a few truths to consider. First, Paul believed that the Gospel is superior — not some fairy tale or story fabricated in the mind of man. The Gospel is from God and is about His Son, Jesus Christ. It is superior to any religious idea or philosophy. Nothing compares to the Gospel. Second, Paul believed the Gospel was sufficient. Don’t ever forget that the Gospel does not contain the power of God. Instead, the Gospel “is the power of God unto salvation.” Finally, the apostle also knew that the Gospel is simple. “It is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes.” Many cling to the idea that salvation requires good works or special requirements. No — the Gospel calls for simple faith and trust in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as the One who can save from sin.

Today, God has strategically placed you on this planet not simply to exist, but to make Him known. Do not ever be ashamed to share the Good News about Jesus Christ.

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